What to do during isolation at home

Anika Hossain | 17 June 2020 | 11:05 am | 323

What to do during isolation at home

With coronavirus taking a heavy toll around the world that day is not far away when even you can get infected and need to stay in isolation. Whether you admit it or not, everyone is susceptible to this virus, so it’s a better idea if we rather prepare ourselves mentally so that isolation does not seem to be such a bad thing. Here is a list of things you can do during isoation to keep your morale up.

Read books

The first thing that you should focus on is reading books. It’s time to be a voracious reader if you are in isolation. Remember that often you may feel reluctant to read books because you don’t have ample time in your hand. If that is also the case for you, then isolation is the perfect occassion for you to imnerse yourself into the world of books. Make a quick list of books that you already have in the library and start reading those without making any delay. Reading books is definitely going to change the way you are considering your isolation period.

Watch classics

As you will be in isolation, you may feel bored of reading books all the time and you will have ample amount of time in your hand as well. There comes the role of movies. During your isolation you can watch classics such as ‘troy’, ‘the gladiator’, ‘the island’ and ‘lucy’. These movies will certainly change your outlook towards life. Apart from these, you can also watch different online video contents available on different streaming sites. Just register your account and discover the world of endless fun.

Watch comedy shows

The most important thing during isolation is to keep your mental strength very high. That’s why it is essential that you watch comedy shows as there is a saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine’. If you laugh, a kind of hormone called as ‘oxytocin’ will be secreted that will help keep your immune system strong. So, do not forget to wear a smile on your face during isolation.

Learn a new skill

If you are bored of doing all these, then it’s time for a change. May be you should try your mettle and learn a new skill. If you have internet connection, you should visit YouTube where you will get hundreds of tutorials delineating steps to learn a new skill. You need nothing but patience to get command over those new skills by following those tutorials. A good way to begin with could be those easy-to-cook recipes. In the meantime, your isolation period may yield something fruitful for you.

Finally, don’t let stress and depression take over you. Hold on to your nerves and stay cool. Do not fret over what’s going to happen to your health. Everything will turn out to be good if you can follow your doctor’s advice properly and make the most out of your isolation period.

(The writer is an inquisitive lady who is always in pursuit of seeking answers from everyone around her.)

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