Winter hacks: A quick guide

Shahadat Hossain | 30 January 2021 | 1:48 pm | 1558

Winter hacks: A quick guide

We are already feeling the pinch of winter. With record-setting weather across the country this year, winter is affecting people in many other ways. For instance- people and children in particular are suffering from diseases and the women are facing different kinds of skin-related problems. Well, it is really important to stay healthy in this winter and at the same time maintain your beauty. However the following tips may help you stay healthy:

  • Stay cool and hydrated. Drink water, at least two to four cups (16-32 ounces) upon rising, and similar amounts if you are going out for activities and exercise. Carry water with you in a hard plastic container. You may also use a traveling water filter. Most people need two to three quarts of liquid per day.
  • While enjoying the sun and outdoors, protect yourself from overexposure to sunlight by wearing a hat and using natural sunscreens without excessive chemicals. Carry Aloe Vera gel for overexposure and have an aloe plant growing in your home for any kind of burn. The cooling and healing gel inside the leaves will soothe any sunburn. It works great.
  • Keep up or begin an exercise programme. Aerobic activity is important for keeping the heart strong and healthy. If you only work out in a health club, take some time to do outdoor refreshing activities — hiking, biking, swimming, or tennis. Reconnecting with these activities will help keep your body and mind aligned.
  • Enjoy Nature’s bounty – fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables at their organic best. Consuming foods that are cooling and light — fresh fruits, vegetable juices, raw vital salads, and lots of water — will nourish your body for summertime activities. Include some protein with one or two meals. There are a number of light, nourishing proteins that don’t require cooking. Most of these complement fruits and vegetables nicely– nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, soy products, yogurt and cheese. Fish and poultry can also be eaten.
  • Relax and breathe. You’ve been working hard. This is the season to slow the pace a bit and absorb the light that stimulates your hormonal message center. Leave your cell phone at home or take a week off from TV.

Again for females it is significant to look after the skin properly; otherwise they may lose the appeal of their face. Winter can lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, marks, dry skin, and even skin cancer over time. The following suggestions may work for you.

  • It’s important to keep your pores closed and skin cool by using a toner. Look for a brand that suits you or try rose water. Its natural cooling properties make it an excellent toner for the winter season.
  • Don’t make the mistake of skipping the moisturising routine altogether as it’s essential for your skin to remain hydrated. However, if you find your regular moisturiser too oily, go for a water-based one.
  • Cleanse your face twice a day. At least! This is important to do even if you’ve been home all day and feel like your skin is clean. Cleansing and moisturising your skin before sleeping is a must.

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