Corona: Things to remember

Ashiquer Rahman | 15 July 2021 | 11:31 am | 239

Corona: Things to remember

With the gradual spread of the new variant in Bangladesh, we are again at risk. The infection rate is inching up, so is the number of deaths. To contain the surge, Bangladesh declared countrywide strict lockdown a few days ago. However, many people are afraid of this virus. But, you probably don’t know that a few simple steps can keep you safe and keep the virus at bay. Just remember these:

First, coronavirus is deadly, but if you are conscious, there is no way to get infected. So, everyone should take precautionary measures. Only then, you can ward off the virus. Most importantly, there is nothing to be sacred of as statistics show that the death rate of coronavirus is less than pneumonia. And the recovery rate is much higher than death rate in case of coronavirus infection.

Second, a perception has been developed that the senior citizens are the most vulnerable group to be infected, thus many young people are leading a careless life which may turn out to be dangerous as people of all ages can be infected by the coronavirus, if they do not follow the precautionary measures. The World Health Organization mentioned that people of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus.

Third, even if you get affected somehow, don’t panic as it’s totally curable. Your excessive stress can rather weaken your immune system. A man who recovered from the novel coronavirus infection said, “The message is very clear- don’t get stressed. If you think that you have it, you should probably get tested. If your symptoms aren’t life-threatening, simply stay at home, medicate, drink lots of water, get a lot of rest and check out your vitals to avoid risks or emergency.”

Finally, be cautious, stay at home to keep yourself and your family members safe. Instead of fretting over it, concentrate in wearing masks and rinsing as frequent hand washing for 20 seconds with soap and water is the most effective way to avoid the infection. Keep wearing masks even if you are vaccinated.

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