Why don’t weight loss programs often come to fruition?

JonyTalukder | 08 February 2021 | 10:44 pm | 277

Why don’t weight loss programs often come to fruition?

Experts and nutritionists always say that don’t be in a rush to lose weights because that will hamper your overall plan. There are so many weight loss programs for men and programs meant for women as well. So many people begin these and after a few days stop following those because they feel that they are not getting the desired results. So, what is it that is hampering your plan? Why do weight loss programs seem to be ineffective most of the time? Lots of factors actually influence the process and create obstacles to reaching your goals.

The trap of low-fat: Foods that are low in fat contain less calories, but high in sugar. So, what happens at the end of the day? You feel like wanting for more. On the other hand, high sugar intake contributes to your weight. Eventually you fall for the trap and cannot lose significant amount of weight.

Stress: In most of the cases after a few days of rigorous exercise and dieting we feel tired of doing the same as we have a tendency to get results within the shortest possible time. The moment we do not get the desired results, we feel frustrated and make the mistake. We go back to our old life and start repeating the things that were discouraged.

Boredom: When you feel bored, you will need some kind of distraction. For so many people out there eating is some sort of distraction. So, when someone following a particular weight loss program feels bored, he/she eats to his/her heart’s content. This is what ruins your whole fitness program and you actually end up putting extra pounds instead of losing it.

Wrong food choices: Many people are victims of health halo effect which means they keep consuming too much calories from recommended foods just because they think this food is healthy. They often forget the fact that any food consumed in excess quantity will eventually increase your weight.

Exercise habits: Many people who are following diet plans feel that only eating foods according to the plan is enough to lose weight. This is never true. Besides decreasing your calorie intake, you must also burn fat if you really want to lose pounds and maintain it. This is really an important factor. One must keep exercising moderately besides following a diet program if you really want to see phenomenal results.

At the end, it can be said that this whole issue is tricky. There can be variety of reasons for obesity and doctors feel that only diet plans cannot always do wonders as far as losing weight is concerned. There are be so many weight loss programs meant for both men and women, but most of those fall flat in the long run. That’s why someone willing to lose weight must think about his lifestyle as well and make necessary changes before adopting any such weight loss program after proper consultation with the doctor if he/she really wants the impacts to be permanent.

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