Winter Diary

Farhan Akhter | 02 January 2020 | 12:35 pm | 549

Winter Diary

Winter is among us once again and the temperature may send a chill down the spine any time. However, during winter we feel very lethargic. No matter how we feel, staying fit is equally winter even in this season. Read on to find out the ways to stay fit during these cold months:

Stick to your favorites

You can keep up your favorite exercise, whether it’s running, walking or biking, but keep an eye on weather conditions. Dress in layers to adapt to whatever temperatures you face that day. You can remove a layer or two if you get too warm.

Protecting your hands, face and feet becomes important when you’re out in colder temperatures. Blood flows first to your core to keep your vital organs warm, that’s why your fingers and toes feel colder the longer you’re out, also making them susceptible to frostbite. The American College of Sports Medicine suggests applying petroleum jelly as a great way to protect your face from wind burn, but don’t forget sunscreen. The sun’s rays can be just as damaging in the winter. It’s also important to stay hydrated whenever you’re working out.

Calm your carb cravings

The cold season tends to ignite our cravings for more carbs and comfort foods. Why? After you consume these delicious treats, your serotonin levels rise, making your brain think you are happier. And as the day wears on, your carb cravings get stronger and stronger. To counter this, try eating a protein-packed breakfast to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. If by the time the afternoon rolls around you’re still craving sweets or carbs, be sure to have low-fat and healthy snacks on hand. However, if you can, finding a way to increase your serotonin levels without food is the best way to beat the carb cravings.

Eat more fiber

Soluble fiber found in apples, oats and nuts is an important way to decrease inflammation and boost immune system function. Soluble fiber also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and aids in weight loss and protection against diabetes. This is an especially important winter health tip for seniors who require a high-fiber diet to protect their digestive systems.

Go for green and orange vegetables

Sticking primarily to vegetables and fruits that are dark green and orange is important in ensuring you’re getting healthy nutrients, sugars and fats. Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, squash, carrots and oranges are all delicious during the winter. There are plenty of recipes available to incorporate these items into your regular winter diet.

Plan your exercises a week in advance

Try to stick to a weekly exercise plan so you don’t put off your regular exercise activities. On Sunday night, write down your exercise schedule for the next seven days. Choose your exact workout routines, activities or exercises for each day and how long they will be. Knowing what you’re scheduled to do each day ahead of time makes it easier to stick to. If you can, line up your workout schedule with a friend to encourage each other to stick with it and stay motivated.

Finally, if you have no desire to head outdoors for your workout, then never fear. There are plenty of resources online that supply fun workout videos and exercises. These resources offer a variety of workouts including yoga, strength training, aerobics and other body-weight exercises. Check out Pinterest for tons of great resources so you can get fit in the comfort of your own living room.

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