Are you just eating or overeating?

Samuel Das | 05 February 2021 | 10:24 am | 326

Are you just eating or overeating?

There are some people who have no control over their eating habit, and so they keep eating throughout the day. Overeating ultimately causes diseases. Though, it may take two or three years, or even twenty to thirty years, before the overeating results in serious illness. But the results are certain, and after that, the person can neither use his body nor mind to the best advantage.

Overeating bears even larger responsibility in making you obese when compared with reduced physical activity. And when both of these are combined, results can be very devastating.

Again eructation of gas and gas in the bowels are indications of overeating. More food is taken than can be digested. A part of it ferments and gas is a product of fermentation. A very small amount of gas in the alimentary tract is natural, but when there is belching or rumbling of gas in the intestines it is a sign of indigestion, which may be so mild that the individual is not aware of it, or it may be so bad that he can think of little else. When there is formation of much gas it is always necessary to reduce the food intake, and to give special attention to the mastication of all starch-containing aliments. Also, if starches and sour fruits have been combined habitually, this combination should be given up. Starch digests in an alkaline medium, and if it is taken with much acid by those whose digestive powers are weak, the result is fermentation instead of digestion.

Meanwhile overeating brings a feeling of lethargy. It is always advised that you should quit eating before you feel full. If there is a desire to sleep after meals, it means, too much food has been ingested. When tiredness possesses us after meals, it means we have eaten so much food. When this happens then the digestive organs require so much blood and there is not enough left for the brain. This is a hint that if we have work or study that requires exceptional clearness of mind, we should eat very moderately or not at all immediately before.

Very often, the Heartburn is also due to overeating, and also the hiccough; both come from fermentation of food in the alimentary tract.

A muddy skin, perhaps pimples on the skin, is another sign of overeating. It shows that the food intake is so high that the body tries to eliminate much of the waste through the skin. Because of this huge amount of waste removal from the skin, it becomes irritated and then there is inflammation. Many forms of eczema and a great many other skin diseases are caused by an overcrowded nutrition and stomach disorders.

In plain words it can be said that if you want to stay healthy and fit, you must control your greed for food. Otherwise you may fall victim to many kinds of health related problems and diseases.

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