4 Signs he is just not that into you

Robiul Kamol | 07 August 2021 | 5:25 pm | 195

4 Signs he is just not that into you

So you have been talking to this guy for quite some time now, but you just don’t know how he feels about you because he tends to give you mixed signals. Sometimes you feel that he is pretty eager to talk to you, while on some occasions, you feel as if he could be bothered about you or your feelings!

If he ignores you more often than he indulges you, then chances are that he is just not that into you. Do you often feel neglected and ignored by him? Then look out for these 4 signs if you feel that he is taking you for granted and is not making you his priority.

He never replies on time

Whenever you text him, he never replies promptly. He is mostly too busy to immediately reply to your text and is always preoccupied with something on the other and is ready with an excuse!

He never makes any extra efforts

It is always you who is making the effort to keep the conversation going. He neither initiates the conversation nor does he ever show interest in the conversation or goes out of his way to not let it reach a dead end.

He ignores you

When you call him or meet him in public, he tries his best to ignore you instead of simply acknowledging your presence. If he doesn’t meet you with enthusiasm and glimmer in his eyes. then he isn’t probably interested in you.

He doesn’t seem curious to know more about you

When you do talk to him, the conversation always is about him and his interests and aspirations. He never bothers to ask you about your feelings and thoughts or your plans for the future, it is mostly a one-sided conversation.

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